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  • Customer:Jiangxi ** Food Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.
    Case class:Agriculture Industry   Product:LPG Series High-Speed Centrifugal Spray Dryer
    Description:Plasma protein is the main solid components of the plasma, the content is 60 ~ 80g / L, plasma protein a wide range of different functions. Domestic animal protein industry is at a stage of rapid development, animal protein as feed additives are widely used in feed production, and is still used in food at a low level.
  • Customer:Jiangsu ** Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
    Case class:Other Industry   Product:SZG Series Double Cone Rotating Vacuum Dryer
    Description:With the global new energy, new materials, the rapid development of batteries with coated broad area of new battery materials has become an emerging field in recent years, the rapid development of its production process is very necessary auxiliary equipment to accomplish the revolutionary, battery materials special equipment should be shipped out.
  • Customer:Henan Baofeng ** New Materials Co., Ltd.
    Case class:Chemical Industry   Product:XSG Series Revolving Flash Vaporization Dryer
    Description:Silicon carbide production line drying is inefficient companies to overcome the static drying, high consumption and developed new and efficient fluidized drying equipment.
  • Customer:Shandong ** Food Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.
    Case class:Food Industry   Product:DW Multi-belt Dryer
    Description:The growth of algae, as algae in the sea, is the plant kingdom's hidden flower plants, including several different types of algae to bio-energy produced by photosynthesis.
  • Customer:Fujian ** Food Co., Ltd.
    Case class:Food Industry   Product:FZG/YZG Square And Round Static Vacuum Dryer
    Description:Agricultural production of fruits and vegetables to provide professional technology and low-temperature vacuum frying frying equipment, low-temperature vacuum frying process characteristics, to maintain color, unique crisp results. Eat a hundred tire, food for thought.
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Changzhou Rongfa Drying Equipment CO.,LTD. Law  Technical support: Web support: [Manage]